Tuesday, March 23, 2010

its a beautiful day in the neighborhood

ah. well, today was just beautiful. low 70s i'm guessing and not a cloud in the sky. evie and i spent the afternoon playing with a ton of chalk in our driveway. they were an early birthday gift for miss evie, from my cousin emily. and they were a hit! not only did evie have a ton of fun with them, but i did too. i brought evie's slide into the front yard, underneath our big tree and she had fun sliding into piles of leaves [i don't own a rake!]. i made us a picnic lunch- the classic pb&j- always delicious, and we sat in the driveway and soaked up the sun. what a fun day! evie is recovering; napping in bed, and i am off to get ready for class tonight. then, out for dinner and girls' night with my cousin sally & some friends! i hope everybody else is enjoying today! remember, "every day is new and magic."

here's my favorite... i think she wanted me to trace her...? she is not crying- or in pain as it appears, the bright florida sun was simply in her eyes, and she is not a sunglasses kind of gal! silly girl!

xoxo, sarah

Saturday, March 20, 2010

let me eat cake!

little miss evie will be 2 [!!!] this week... and i have been dreaming of birthday cakes for my little bunny... we have a great tradition in my family when it comes to birthday cakes. every year since i turned 16 i have requested a crazy shaped cake from my mother, and every year she delivers!! she has made me a squirrel with water skis, a raccoon eating a strawberry, a zebra wearing a cowboy hat, a flamingo with star shaped sunglasses, two owls on a branch... etc. etc. SO, when evie was born, i vowed to do the same special thing for her. last year for her first birthday i kept it simple with a kitten... i'm thinking about a bunny this year. i love how her birthday is always going to be around easter because there are great spring party decorations and picnic-y supplies everywhere with bunnies and little lambs and chickadees too!
so here are some cutesy cake pictures... i think the cloud might be the only achievable one... i am no expert, but check back when evie turns 25 ;]

shall we save the best for last....?
all images found via weheartit.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


i made evie a babushka today! i'll probably save it for her birthday next week...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Liberty of London

can't wait to get my hands on Liberty of London for Target... visit here for the most perfect collection of home decor and clothing. i especially LOVE the little girls' rompers. now i am off to Target to see if this canister is sitting on a shelf somewhere ;]

Saturday, March 13, 2010

cheese & weekend plans

evie handed me my camera and said "cheese" before i took this picture... i guess she wants to be a model now...?
today is a B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. day! it's 75 degrees & not a cloud in sight. i spend the afternoon knitting on the beach [i know.]... i also had a chance to FINALLY wash my car! i opened up the windows and cleaned up [most of] the house and am having a quick bite to eat and a break before i get back to work. i have noticed a family of birds in my backyard that have been very vocal the past few days... i think maybe they just returned from their winter vacation. i forgot how nice it is to wake up to the sound of birds chirping! evie is with her daddy this weekend, and as i am between jobs... i have the entire weekend free. what a treat! tonight i'm going to finally see Dear John and meet up with some friends at one of my favorite spots, Cock & Bull to see another friends' band. i am missing my evie, but having such a nice weekend... i hope you are too!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

miss evie

do you know how adorable you are? mommy just loves you to pieces! you're my best friend and i love you more every day ♥

what am i doing tonight?

what are you doing?

Monday, March 8, 2010

the last [fast] 48...

eeeek! i am soo behind on posts. it has been an eventful couple of days... to say the least. here's what i accomplished in the past 48 hours... ready?

sunday! made an early breakfast, babysat at church with evie, went to grandma & papa's for my mom's birthday lunch/celebration, quit my job[!!!], baked oatmeal cookies, watched "where the wild things are" [fell asleep]... woke up again, watched trueblood. fell back asleep. monday! woke up super early, made breakfast... colored with evie, watched dora with evie, made peanut butter sandwiches, took evie to an appointment, went to look for a job... filled out an application, had an interview... prayed like crazy! had my parents over for homemade pizza and more oatmeal cookies and cleaned my entire house...

whew. i'm exhausted.

here's some stuff that's making me happy...

source: weheartit

Thursday, March 4, 2010

is it breakfast yet?

tomorrow is my mom's birthday, and evie and i are spending the day with her in ft. myers to do some shopping here... so i baked some blueberry muffins tonight for the early morning drive, and they smelled so yum when they were baking! i don't know if i can wait until the morning ;]

can you tell i'm hungry?

tattoo envy...

i have been seriously considering a hot air balloon tattoo... i love the style of all of these, and i'm beginning to think i could pull one of these off. well, a girl can dream ♥

some cute swallows...

most images found: sometimessweet[tattoo tuesdays] & weheartit, plus a few randoms...