Tuesday, March 2, 2010

adventures in bread baking...

i had some free time tonight... so i thought i would try baking some whole wheat bread. i turned up some music, put on my checkered apron and opened up my pink betty crocker cookbook. i have never made bread from scratch, so i was a little worried it wouldn't come out right, but it turned out to be a success! don't you just love the smell of bread baking in the oven? it made my house feel so cozy!
did some mixin... betty calls for an electric mixer, which i don't have... so i had to stir fast fast fast with a whisk. it was a workout.
lots of kneading...
lots of rising...

gave myself a pedicure, painted a picture for my mom's birthday, and cooked dinner while i let the dough rise for a total of 2 1/2 hours.

in the oven for 35 minutes... and tada! the final product!

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